I was the oldest child in my group at the orphanage, so I was given some responsibilities to help with the younger kids. They would even give me money and send me to the supermarket to get items for them. I think the supermarket was right around the corner from the orphanage, so it wasn’t far, but those responsibilities shaped who I am today. My mom says I’ve always been mature for my age; I don’t directly remember these things, I think my early childhood years in the orphanage contributed to that. It shaped my identity as someone who can be independent and who can take care of others. I work with kids now, so I can see those aspects of my personality are still part of me today.
— Irene

“The Adoption Song I picked is ‘All That Matters’ by Christina Perri – I liked the positive and uplifting message that it has. She sings about celebrating all the simple things in life and focusing on the things that matter in life. No matter what the circumstances are, or where you come from, you can choose what to focus on, what matters in your life, and what to celebrate.

I try to enjoy life as it comes!” - IRENE