“When we began having children, I began to think about my biological heritage a little more. I had no idea what health issues I could pass on to my children. When one of our children was born with a minor birth defect, the question was certainly raised in my mind. As it turned out, the birth defect was not life-threatening or hereditary. Our family powered through it, and eventually, that phase of our life, where our genetics impacted our kids’ immediate health, ended, and I wasn’t interested in pursuing it any further. It was the mid-to-late eighties at that time, which meant I would have needed to hire a private investigator and jump through numerous hoops to begin searching. It just wasn’t worth it to me.”
“My family was very religious, and that meant mom led vacation Bible school in the summer. So every summer we would be out, and because she was part of the staff, we had to go early and stay late which meant all the kids had to play together. For me, it was fantastic because we were out in the wilderness, running all over, with no adult supervision! ‘This is My Father’s World’ is one of the songs that really reminds me of that era…